Aromatherapy is being used since 3000 B.C. and all ancient cultures recognize value of botanicals and aromatic plants in promoting health & well being of body, mind & emotions. Studies further indicate its efficaciousness in bringing positive changes in the quality of life parameters The volatile constituent in essential oils exert physiologic effects as it gets absorbed through skin and /or respiratory system. Several plant species are being used in medical herbalism for their effects on symptoms like anxiety, restlessness, excitability , depression etc.
The influence of aroma on the brain through olfactory system enhances energy levels, brings relaxation and reduces anxiety. Ruh Booty - a Herbal Aroma is prepared on these principles of Aromatherapy and uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils to reorient one's mood and add wellbeing at cognitive, psychological & physical levels. It creates synergy between body and aromatic oils/herbs and brings healing by gently activating body’s own healing energies.